120 research outputs found

    Risco de reincidência criminal e psicopatologia em jovens agressores

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    Nos últimos anos, alguns autores têm estudado os fatores de risco de reincidência criminal e concluíram que são os Central Eight os fatores de risco mais significativos na predição do comportamento criminal. Por outro lado, alguns autores têm sublinhado a importância de ter em conta as necessidades a nível da saúde mental na avaliação do risco. Estudos que associaram a psicopatologia e o risco de reincidência criminal em agressores adultos concluíram que a Perturbação de Personalidade Antissocial é um preditor significativo do risco de reincidência criminal. Até ao momento, não existem estudos que associem estas duas variáveis em jovens agressores razão pela qual este estudo teve como principal objetivo explorar a associação entre psicopatologia, especificamente as Perturbações Disruptivas, e o risco de reincidência criminal nesta população. Para a realização do mesmo, foi recolhida uma amostra de 208 jovens agressores, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 20 anos, intervencionados pelo Sistema de Justiça Juvenil Português, dos quais 120 cumpriam Medidas Tutelares Educativas de Internamento e 88 cumpriam Medidas Tutelares Educativas de Acompanhamento Educativo (na comunidade). Os principais resultados demostraram que existe uma diferença entre os grupos quanto ao nível global e específico de risco e quanto à prevalência de psicopatologia. A percentagem de jovens no grupo de internamento com nível de risco global mais elevado é superior à percentagem de jovens do grupo da comunidade. O mesmo aconteceu em relação aos fatores de risco específicos, a percentagem de jovens no grupo de internamento com nível de risco mais elevado em cada fator de risco específico é superior à percentagem de jovens no grupo da comunidade. Além disso, os resultados mostraram ainda uma associação entre nível de risco global e específico e a presença de Perturbações Disruptivas na amostra total. A percentagem de jovens com Perturbações Disruptivas é superior em níveis de risco mais elevados. Da mesma forma, a percentagem de jovens com Perturbações Disruptivas é superior em níveis de risco mais elevados no fator específico Personalidade/Comportamento. No global, estes resultados reforçam a ideia de que os jovens apresentam necessidades de intervenção em saúde mental, pelo que a intervenção focada nestas necessidades pode contribuir de forma positiva na redução do risco de reincidência criminal, da mesma forma que garante o direito de acesso ao tratamento em saúde mentalRecently, researchers have studied the risk factors of criminal recidivism and currently there is a consensus that the Central Eight are the most significative predictors of criminal behavior. However, some authors pointed out the importance of taking into account mental health intervention needs in the assessment of the risk criminal recidivism. Studies concerning the association between psychopathology and the risk of criminal recidivism in adult offenders showed that Antisocial Personality Disorder was a significant predictor of criminal risk recidivism. So far, there are no published studies linking these two variables in young offenders. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to explore the relation between psychopathology (specifically Disruptive Disorders) and the risk of criminal recidivism in this specific population. Participants were 208 male young offenders, with ages between 14 and 20 years old, from the Portuguese Juvenile Justice System. From the total sample, 120 youngsters were placed in juvenile facilities, and 89 were receiving community-based programs. Results showed differences between groups concerning the global and specific level of risk and the prevalence of psychopathology. The percentage of youth in juvenile facilites with higher global risk level is higher than the percentage of young people from the community group. The same result was found regarding specific risk factors, with youth from juvenile facilities presenting higher risk level in each specific risk factor in comparison with young people in the community group. Results also showed an association between the level of global and specific risk and the presence of Disruptive Disorders in the total sample. The percentage of youth with Disruptive Disorders is higher at higher levels of risk. Additionally, the percentage of youth with Disruptive Disorders is greater at higher levels on the specific risk factor Personality / Behavior. Overall, results showed that young offenders present mental health intervention needs, which should be addressed as the main target of intervention with young offenders. For this to happen, the right of mental treatment should be ensured

    The bail-in enforcement : the application of the resolution tool to Banco Espírito Santo

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    No início de 2016, a Comissão Europeia impôs, na Zona Euro, o mecanismo do bail-in como procedimento padrão para recuperar e resolver os bancos que foram enfraquecidos pela crise financeira. Esta nova medida pretende substituir a prática do bailout que tem sido apontada como causa da atual crise da dívida soberana da Zona Euro. Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar esta nova legislação e, retrospetivamente, aplicá-la ao Banco Espírito Santo (BES), um banco português que foi resolvido a 4 de Agosto de 2014 através de uma medida de separação de ativos. Este exercício tem como objetivo compreender em que consiste o mecanismo do bail-in, de que modo é feita a sua aplicação e, no caso específico do BES analisar quais seriam as diferenças relativamente à resolução que efetivamente ocorreu. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que a aplicação do mecanismo do bail-in ao BES ter-se-ia traduzido, no pior dos casos, numa poupança de cerca de 60% para o Estado português. Para além disso, apurou-se que era suficiente que os credores do BES suportassem perdas na ordem dos 28% para que não fosse necessária qualquer intervenção ao banco.In the beginning of 2016, the European Commission imposed, in the Eurozone, the bail-in mechanism as a standard procedure to recover and resolve banks which have been weakened by the financial crisis. This new measure intends to replace the bailout practice that has been refered to be associated with the current Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. The purpose of this paper is to study this new banking legislation and, retrospectively, apply it to Banco Espírito Santo (BES), a Portuguese bank which was resolved on 4 August 2014 through an asset separation tool. This exercise endeavours to understand what the bail-in mechanism is, how it is performed and, in the particular case of BES to analyse how it would have been different from the resolution that effectively occurred. The results suggest that the application of the bail-in mechanism to BES would have granted, in the worst case scenario, savings for the Portuguese State of about 60%. In addition, it was observed that it would have been sufficient that the investors of the entity had sustained losses of 28%, in order for the bank not to need any intervention

    Does Uncertainty Boost Exports? A Study on the Effect of Innovation and Marketing Capabilities in a Small and Innovation-Intensive Sector

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    The main goal of this research is to study the impact of uncertainty on export performance, from a resource-based perspective. Despite the ample research on how economies behave during periods of high uncertainty, there is still a poor understanding of how this affects smaller sectors, particularly the most exposed to global competition. In this paper, we perform an evaluation of export performance for the Portuguese pharmaceuticals sector (PPI), before and after a period of considerable uncertainty. This study’s results show strong incremental performance gains, during this period. It also confirmed the importance of marketing capabilities, innovation and networking resources in developing international businesses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinants of Internationalization as Levers for Sustainability: A Study of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Sector

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    The pharmaceutical industry is facing the pressure of a global economy, loss of value in local markets and the highly intense innovation that characterizes this sector. This has a heavy impact, particularly in smaller economies. With this investigation, we intend to identify the determinants of internationalization as levers for sustainability in the pharmaceutical export sector of a small economy. Data was collected from a sample representing 63% of the total universe, Portuguese pharmaceutical organizations with exporting activity. A contextualization of the sector and a bibliographic review were previously carried out, which laid the groundwork for the empirical framework. This study revealed a deeply internationalized sector conditioned by a few shortcomings, namely a certain lack of sustainable competitive advantages, relatively low investment in research and development (R&D), insufficient innovation in internationalization strategies as well as scarce institutional support. Our findings may help pave the way for a more complete understanding of the dynamics of internationalization in highly competitive sectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategic Talent Management: The Impact of Employer Branding on the Affective Commitment of Employees

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    In a globalization context, underlined by the speed of technological transformation and increasingly competitive markets, the perspective of human capital, as an asset of strategic importance, stands out in differentiating human resource practices. Under this reality, the employer branding (EB) concept gains more and more importance as a strategic tool to attract, retain, and involve human capital, given that this has become a source of competitive advantage to companies. Within this context, this study aimed to evaluate the relationship between employer branding strategies implemented by organizations, as well as their impact on the employee’s affective commitment, evident in certain organizational cultures, which are sustained over time. The methodological framework applied to this study is quantitative, and the data collection was carried out with the application of an employer branding and an affective commitment questionnaire. To achieve a good representation of the active population, the sample of the quantitative study was composed of 172 individuals, working in the public and private sectors in Portugal, exercising different positions in the different sectors of activity. Results obtained with these techniques indicate a high level of affective organizational commitment (AOC) of employees in the organizations surveyed, suggesting that affective commitment develops when the individual becomes involved and identifies with the organization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Local scale dynamics to promote the sustainable management of construction and demolition waste

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    2_(Des)construir_Economia_Circular). This work was also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, and the strategic project UIDB/04292/2020 granted to MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre.On a local scale, municipalities often incur high costs as a result of the illegal dumping of construction and demolition waste (CDW), due to gaps in awareness and training, a lack of adequate oversight actions or infrastructure and equipment. Moreover, there is a loss of resources, failing to close the loop of the circular economy. Six participatory workshops were implemented in 2021, via videoconference due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in a rural Portuguese region, to understand the contribution of local scale dynamics in the promotion of CDW management from an operational perspective. Three of them were dedicated to municipal technicians (39 participants, on average) and the other three to representatives of micro and small construction companies (25 participants, on average). The results reveal that strategies must rely on investment in local solutions to optimise logistics and cost issues, cooperation between stakeholders, and improving the market for recycled aggregates. Also, support for information, awareness, and training is essential, focusing on good practices onsite and oversight procedures. Additionally, municipalities were involved in the prioritisation of legal framework issues, and micro and small construction companies concerning the determinants contributing for their behaviour change. These findings contribute to solving gaps in the literature, useful for researchers and decision-makers in rural or less developed areas.publishersversionpublishe

    The Importance of Relationships for the Produced Knowledge in the Sector of Management Consulting

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    While the management consulting industry has been largely linked to the knowledge produced within the disciplines of strategic management in the academic field, the truth is that very little literature is produced in terms of research in this area, while the researchers focused more on a set of static techniques to be applied in the development of this field of research concerns. This article seeks to bridge this gap as well, showing by example that the consultancy sector is a true field of opportunities for the study of relationships management. This presentation is thus the aim of contributing both theoretically and empirically in the area of relationships through research in the context of management consulting, trying to visualize how the relationships are manifested in a context of high involvement and personal contact, and what’s the perception that must be taken into consideration by clients and consultants in terms of the benefits of their greater or lesser degree of involvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hepatite C em Portugal: estaremos a caminho da erradicação?

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    A hepatite C é uma doença hepática, provocada pelo vírus da hepatite C, um pequeno vírus de ARN que apresenta algumas particularidades, incluindo a sua elevada variabilidade, sendo já conhecidos, vários genótipos e subtipos diferentes, com distribuição e prevalência mundial distinta. A sua história natural é muito variável e inicia-se com a infeção pelo vírus, estabelecendo-se uma infeção aguda, que pode resolver-se espontaneamente ou evoluir para infeção crónica. Esta pode progredir para cirrose hepática, que representa a principal causa de carcinoma hepatocelular no Mundo. É uma doença sistémica, maioritariamente, assintomática, que provoca manifestações hepáticas e extra hepáticas. Atualmente, o principal meio de transmissão é a partilha de materiais de consumo, em consumidores de droga por via injetável, sendo o vírus transmitido através do sangue. A hepatite C é um problema de saúde pública, com elevadas taxas de prevalência, incidência e mortalidade, em todo o Mundo, não sendo Portugal uma exceção. Nesse sentido, com o objetivo de erradicar a doença, foi aprovada uma estratégia mundial, tendo-se, a nível nacional, implementado políticas e estabelecido prioridades, relativamente a áreas de intervenção, como a prevenção, o rastreio e o tratamento, a fim de serem atingidas todas as metas propostas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Os números relativos à hepatite c, desde 2015 até aos dias de hoje, são demonstrativos dos progressos atingidos com as medidas aplicadas, verificando-se uma tendência decrescente na morbilidade e mortalidade relacionadas com a doença, mas, igualmente, reveladores de que ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer, sendo o Farmacêutico um profissional de saúde imprescindível nessa luta. Neste âmbito, a presente monografia tem como objetivo avaliar a evolução da situação epidemiológica da hepatite C em Portugal, refletindo acerca de uma possível erradicação da doença.Hepatitis C is a hepatic disease, caused by the Hepatitis C Virus, a small RNA virus with some particular characteristics, including its high variability, with several different genotypes and subtypes already known, having different distribution and prevalence worldwide. The natural history of disease is very variable and starts with the virus infection, establishing an acute infection, which can resolve spontaneously or progress to the chronic phase, that can evolute to Liver Cirrhosis, which represents the main cause of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the world. It’s a systemic disease, mostly asymptomatic, that causes hepatic and extrahepatic manifestations. Currently, the main way of transmission is the sharing of consumables in injecting drug users, with the virus being transmitted through blood. Hepatitis C is a public health problem, with high rates of prevalence, incidence and mortality, all over the world, Portugal being no exception. Therefore, with the goal of eradicating the disease, a global strategy was approved and, at a national level, policies were implemented and priorities established, in areas of intervention, such as prevention, screening and treatment, in order to achieve all the goals proposed by the World Health Organization, by 2030. The numbers related with Hepatitis C, from 2015 to the present day, demonstrate the progress achieved with the measures applied, with a decreasing tendency in disease-related morbidity and mortality, but also reveal that there is still a long way to go, with the Pharmacist being an essential health professional in this fight. In this context, the present monograph aims to assess the evolution of the epidemiological situation of Hepatitis C in Portugal, reflecting on a possible eradication of the disease

    Onboarding Handbook: An Indispensable Tool for Onboarding Processes

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    Onboarding handbooks constitute a very important and powerful tool in the socialization and integration processes of recruits implemented by Human Resources. As companies compete to thrive in global markets, the attraction and retention of employees have been given much attention in recent years. One of the strategies developed by companies to achieve this goal are the so-called Onboarding Handbooks given to newcomers, serving as a means of facilitating workers’ integration into the everyday processes of the company. As a consolidated research area, many HR studies have been developed around these subjects, as these manuals have been proven to be important tools in the socialization process of the former candidate, now entering the organisational culture of a given enterprise. A literature review was developed according to the main variables of the study of Organisational Socialization processes, strategies, and methods, with special emphasis on the onboarding book. To find out if these manuals correspond to the relevant literature of HR, eight of the onboarding handbooks from several public and private organizations have been analysed following the proposed structure of onboarding handbooks presented in the literature review. In addition, purposeful sampling was followed and content analysis on the handbooks was developed. The paper’s contributions are twofold: (a) the authors suggest a complete and up-to-date structure for the contents of onboarding books to be applied by HR managers and (b) compare its structure to several manuals of different enterprises from various sectors of the Portuguese economy. Findings show that the onboarding book remains an important tool and facilitator of organisational integration. Although, the onboarding processes are changing, and even the format of the onboarding books can become different (digital or not), their contents are essential for the socialization of newcomers and a means to organisational culture dissemination as well as containing functional contents such as internal norms and regulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plano de negócios: criação de um negócio de street food

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    Sistema de classificação JEL: M13, M21O presente trabalho refere-se à criação de um novo negócio, assentando na concepção de um plano de negócios para a criação de uma infraestrutura móvel de Street Food que contará com a Cidade de Coimbra como localização privilegiada O presente trabalho tem como objectivo perceber a viabilidade de abertura de um serviço de Street Food. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura com uma análise aos conceitos de Street Food e Street Vendors, a forma como surgiram no mercado, bem como, o modo como este tipo de negócio é percebido pelos clientes e o seu impacto nas cidades. Nas restantes secções do plano de negócios é realizada uma análise envolvente externa e do funcionamento interno do negócio e a uma avaliação financeira do projeto. Neste sentido, o plano de negócios desenvolvido mostra que, mesmo em tempos de instabilidade económica e política, existem novas tendências no mercado com perspetivas de crescimento, prontas a serem exploradas. Como tal, refere que é possível desenvolver negócios que criem valor no mercado e apresentem uma oferta diferenciadora.The present work refers to the constitution of a new business, consisting of the definition of a business plan regarding the creation of a mobile Street Food infrastructure, which will have the city of Coimbra as its privileged location. The aim of the present work is to understand the viability of opening a Street Food service. With that in mind, a review of the literature was made so as to analyze the concepts of Street Food and Street Vendors, the way they appear in the market, and the way in which this type of business is perceived by the clients, as well as its impact on the cities. In the remaining sections of the business plan, included a support analysis and a financial evaluation of the project. Thus, the business plan in question shows that, even during times of political and economic instability, there are new market trends with growth prospects, ready to be explored. As such, it avoid to the possibility of developing businesses capable of creating market value and putting forward a differentiating offer